In this new blog I wanted to show things that have to do with that part of my life, from the moment I started to live with this mythic characters. I’ll try to do it chronologically, but the memories of twenty three years of work and more than five thousand pages drawn are harder to organize than I’d like to.
Everything started with an ad on the news where they asked for comic artists. The ad was published by one of the many artists agencies that, in that moment, worked in Barcelona and produced tons of content for magazines around Europe, exploiting and abusing artists and illustrators for their own benefit. That’s something that hasn’t changed.
Therefore, I started to work through an agent and being exploited, earning a laughable sum for each page and having to renounce to my author rights.
Among the thousands of pages in a pile in my basement, lies the first page I draw for CONDOR VERLAG test request… one day I’ll find it! Meanwhile, I can post the first work I did for that publisher: COVERS. Covers are a very important element in every publication. Sometimes a good cover means the difference of a comic being bought or not. You can never let a rookie handle that job! (Like they did with me). That’s proof enough that editors, in general, can’t distinguish a good draw from a bad one.
For order’s sake, I guess I should start from the beginning.

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